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CodeCov Incident: The What, the How, and Preventing it From Happening Again

Threat actors who managed to breach the popular developer tool, Codecov remained undetected for 2 months and reportedly hacked over hundreds of customer networks. In this webinar, we'll take a step back, and ask, how did this happen and how can we prevent it from happening again!

CodeCov Incident: The What, the How, and Preventing it From Happening Again

The intrusion at San Francisco-based software auditing company Codecov affected an unknown number of its 29,000 customers. Threat actors who managed to breach the popular developer tool, Codecov remained undetected for 2 months and reportedly hacked over hundreds of customer networks. In this webinar, we step back, and ask, how did this happen and how it could have been prevented?

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Ilkka Turunen

Ilkka Turunen

Field CTO


Jorn Knuttila

Solutions Engineer

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Ax Sharma

Security Researcher
