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NIS2 Checklist: How Sonatype Helps You

The Network and Information Security Directive 2 (NIS2) is the EU's most comprehensive cybersecurity legislation. Our comprehensive checklist outlines the key elements in Articles 21 and 23 of the NIS2 Directive that relate to protecting software components.

Security Directive 2 (NIS2) is the EU’s most comprehensive cybersecurity legislation, and taking steps to make sure your organisation is compliant should be a top priority. But that doesn’t mean it needs to be complex.

We’ve outlined the key elements, Articles 21 and 23, that relate to protecting software components and how Sonatype can help you manage these obligations.

Cybersecurity risk-management measures

NIS2 Measures

Why it Matters

Sonatype Platform

21-2(a) policies on risk analysis and information system security;

  • Conduct a risk assessment: You can't find what you can't see so building a risk assessment needs to be a priority.
  • Documented policies: Organisations should have documented policies in place to analyse risk on a continual basis.

Sonatype Lifecycle | Sonatype Intelligence

  • Define and automatically enforce specific policies for open source
  • Universal and timely understanding of open source security, licence, and architectural risk.
  • Create custom policies for specific situations

21-2(b) incident handling;

  • Cybersecurity incident handling: Documentation should include detection, mitigation and reporting measures.

Sonatype Nexus Repository

  • Centralise updates to a single binary repository for control and deployment.

21-2(d) supply chain security, including security-related aspects concerning the relationships between each entity and its direct suppliers or service providers;

  • Setting clear prioritisation: Supply chain security is paramount for maintaining safe software components.
  • Identification and documentation of weaknesses and/or vulnerabilities: This is a foundational step to NIS2 compliance.
  • Attesting to compliance: Identify whether or not your organisation is required to attest to compliance with legal requirements.

Sonatype SBOM Manager | Sonatype Lifecycle

  • Continuous application scanning and notification
  • Creation and monitoring of SBOMs for new vulnerabilities
  • Share SBOMs at scale with traceable and transparent VEX-based annotation

21-2(f) policies and procedures to assess the effectiveness of cybersecurity risk-management measures

  • Regularly scheduled evaluations: perform continuously monitored evaluations automatically.
  • Setting security benchmarks is essential for the ongoing improvement of an organisation’s cybersecurity posture.

Sonatype Lifecycle and Sonatype SBOM Manager

  • Tailor remediation policies and assign risk profiles based on needs

21-2(g) basic cyber hygiene practices and cybersecurity training;

  • Establish cyber hygiene standards: This helps create a foundation for effective risk management.
  • Evaluate cyber hygiene standards: This is an opportunity to assess the integrity and reliability of a company's digital infrastructure.

Sonatype Repository Firewall | Sonatype Nexus Repository

  • Sonatype's out of the box policies help you establish and enforce standards automatically
  • Centralise your open source consumption into a single artifact repository and gain insight into your risks
  • Reporting to show effectiveness of SBOM based security (SBOM Manager)

21-2(i) human resources security, access control policies and asset management

  • Security-focused culture: Human engineering is still one of the most common threats to an organisation. Fostering a culture of security can dramatically reduce human error.

Sonatype Lifecycle | Sonatype Nexus Repository

  • Provides a single source of truth for every item of the software supply chain

21-2(j) the use of multi-factor authentication or continuous authentication solutions, secured voice, video and text communications and secured emergency communication systems within the entity, where appropriate

  • Multi-Factor authentication: Enabling this function substantially decreases the possibility of user accounts being exploited.

Sonatype Platform

  • Control access to your components with single sign-on (SSO), role-based access controls, and full auditability

NIS2 Measures

21-2(a) policies on risk analysis and information system security;

21-2(b) incident handling;

21-2(d) supply chain security, including security-related aspects concerning the relationships between each entity and its direct suppliers or service providers;

21-2(f) policies and procedures to assess the effectiveness of cybersecurity risk-management measures

21-2(g) basic cyber hygiene practices and cybersecurity training;

21-2(i) human resources security, access control policies and asset management

21-2(j) the use of multi-factor authentication or continuous authentication solutions, secured voice, video and text communications and secured emergency communication systems within the entity, where appropriate

Why it Matters

  • Conduct a risk assessment: You can't find what you can't see so building a risk assessment needs to be a priority.
  • Documented policies: Organisations should have documented policies in place to analyse risk on a continual basis.
  • Cybersecurity incident handling: Documentation should include detection, mitigation and reporting measures.
  • Setting clear prioritisation: Supply chain security is paramount for maintaining safe software components.
  • Identification and documentation of weaknesses and/or vulnerabilities: This is a foundational step to NIS2 compliance.
  • Attesting to compliance: Identify whether or not your organisation is required to attest to compliance with legal requirements.
  • Regularly scheduled evaluations: perform continuously monitored evaluations automatically.
  • Setting security benchmarks is essential for the ongoing improvement of an organisation’s cybersecurity posture.
  • Establish cyber hygiene standards: This helps create a foundation for effective risk management.
  • Evaluate cyber hygiene standards: This is an opportunity to assess the integrity and reliability of a company's digital infrastructure.
  • Security-focused culture: Human engineering is still one of the most common threats to an organisation. Fostering a culture of security can dramatically reduce human error.
  • Multi-Factor authentication: Enabling this function substantially decreases the possibility of user accounts being exploited.

Sonatype Platform

Sonatype Lifecycle | Sonatype Intelligence

  • Define and automatically enforce specific policies for open source
  • Universal and timely understanding of open source security, licence, and architectural risk.
  • Create custom policies for specific situations

Sonatype Nexus Repository

  • Centralise updates to a single binary repository for control and deployment.

Sonatype SBOM Manager | Sonatype Lifecycle

  • Continuous application scanning and notification
  • Creation and monitoring of SBOMs for new vulnerabilities
  • Share SBOMs at scale with traceable and transparent VEX-based annotation

Sonatype Lifecycle and Sonatype SBOM Manager

  • Tailor remediation policies and assign risk profiles based on needs

Sonatype Repository Firewall | Sonatype Nexus Repository

  • Sonatype's out of the box policies help you establish and enforce standards automatically
  • Centralise your open source consumption into a single artifact repository and gain insight into your risks
  • Reporting to show effectiveness of SBOM based security (SBOM Manager)

Sonatype Lifecycle | Sonatype Nexus Repository

  • Provides a single source of truth for every item of the software supply chain

Sonatype Platform

  • Control access to your components with single sign-on (SSO), role-based access controls, and full auditability

NIS2 Reporting Obligations

In Article 23, NIS2 details Reporting Obligations that all member states must adhere to, including filing a final report not later than one month after the submission of the incident notification under point (b), including:

Final Report Obligations

Sonatype Platform

A detailed description of the incident, including its severity and impact;

  • Search across applications to quickly identify which are affected.
  • Our policy engine helps establish severity in context of the applications.

The type of threat or root cause that is likely to have triggered the incident;

  • Sonatype Intelligence Sonatype SBOM Manager helps establish the issue, applicability, remediation steps, and potential impact.

Applied and ongoing mitigation measures;

  • Policy engine and up-to-date SBOMS help prove mitigation via waiver descriptions or replacement of the offending components
  • Recommendations for better versions in context, including when the issue is a transitive vulnerability

Where applicable, the cross-border impact of the incident;

  • Waiver descriptions keep information with application SBOM

Final Report Obligations

A detailed description of the incident, including its severity and impact;

The type of threat or root cause that is likely to have triggered the incident;

Applied and ongoing mitigation measures;

Where applicable, the cross-border impact of the incident;

Sonatype Platform

  • Search across applications to quickly identify which are affected.
  • Our policy engine helps establish severity in context of the applications.
  • Sonatype Intelligence Sonatype SBOM Manager helps establish the issue, applicability, remediation steps, and potential impact.
  • Policy engine and up-to-date SBOMS help prove mitigation via waiver descriptions or replacement of the offending components
  • Recommendations for better versions in context, including when the issue is a transitive vulnerability
  • Waiver descriptions keep information with application SBOM

Optimise and Protect Your Software Supply Chain

Sonatype has been at the forefront of software supply chain management, including empowering developers and organisations to protect the integrity of their software components through automated cybersecurity hygiene practices like vulnerability scanning, dependency analysis, and policy enforcement. For a detailed look at how Sonatype can help meet NIS2 requirements, download our User’s Guide to NIS2 Compliance.


How Sonatype’s Platform helps you comply

Simplify SBOM Compliance and Security Monitoring with Sonatype SBOM Manager

More than 70 percent of Fortune 100 companies manage their software supply chains with Sonatype, and our SBOM Manager has been developed to take the uncertainty out of SBOM collection and monitoring compliance.

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