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Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform + Sonatype Lifecycle
Pair your containers with transparency that meets National Cyber Security EO 14028 and prevents vulnerabilities and malicious attacks.
Sonatype Lifecycle and RedHat OpenShift Integration
Vulnerability remediation made transparent

Generate an SBOM
Trusted by the industry
Easy to deploy and manage
Protect software running in Red Hat Openshift containers with Sonatype

Sonatype Lifecycle + OpenShift Container Platform for integrated container & application security
Sonatype empowers developers and security professionals with intelligent tools to innovate more securely at scale. Sonatype identifies critical security vulnerabilities and code quality issues and report results directly to developers and security professionals. Sonatype has partnered up with RedHat to create a solution that extends the OpenShift Container Platform, allowing developers to generate an SBOM.
This joint partnership will make it easy for you and your team to effectively and quickly adopt the software supply chain mandates around Executive Order 14028 for software bill of materials.
“Customers are looking to migrate their applications to the cloud leveraging containers as the deployment model. Red Hat container certification assures a supportable and performant platform for all types of customer deployment models. Red Hat is thrilled to work with software partners like Sonatype, resulting in the world’s largest commercial ecosystem for containers.”

Partnership Benefits
Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
Use Sonatype Lifecycle to generate an SBOM for improved transparency and vulnerability remediation across your SDLC.
Simple Automation
Sonatype Lifecycle with Ansible playbooks allows your organization to operate and manage at scale.
Container and Application Security
Integrated through Tekton tasks or OpenShift pipelines natively.
Run Anywhere
Sonatype Lifecycle can run anywhere where OpenShift is deployed. Self-hosted, in the cloud or private network.
Perform quality analysis, create run pipelines, and generate SBOMs in the OpenShift Container Platform.
Run products anywhere

Self Hosted
