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Writing Plugins

Chapter 11

11.1. Introduction

While this chapter covers an advanced topic, don’t let the idea of writing a Maven plugin intimidate you. For all of the theory and complexity of this tool, the fundamental concepts are easy to understand and the mechanics of writing a plugin are straightforward. After you read this chapter, you will have a better grasp of what is involved in creating a Maven plugin.

11.2. Programming Maven

Most of this book has dealt with using Maven, and for a book on Maven, you haven’t seen too many code examples dealing with Maven customization. In fact, you haven’t yet seen any. This is by design, 99 out of 100 Maven users will never need to write a custom plugin to customize Maven; there is an abundance of configurable plugins, and unless your project has particularly unique requirements, you will have to work to find a reason to write a new plugin. An even smaller percentage of people who end up writing custom plugins will ever need to crack open the source code for Maven and customize a core Maven component. If you really need to customize the behavior of Maven, then you would write a plugin. Modifying the core Maven code is as far out of scope for most developers as modifying the TCP/IP stack on an operating system, it is that abstract for most Maven users.

On the other hand, if you are going to start writing a custom plugin, you are going to have to learn a bit about the internals of Maven: How does it manage software components? What is a Plugin? How can I customize the lifecycle? This section answers some of those questions, and it introduces a few concepts at the core of Maven’s design. Learning how to write a custom Maven plugin is the gateway to customizing Maven itself. If you were wondering how to start understanding the code behind Maven, you’ve found the proper starting line.

11.2.1. What is Inversion of Control?

At the heart of Maven is an Inversion of Control (IoC) container named Plexus. What does it do? It is a system for managing and relating components. While there is a canonical essay about IoC written by Martin Fowler, the concept and term have been so heavily overloaded in the past few years it is tough to find a good definition of the concept that isn’t a self-reference (or just a lazy reference to the aforementioned essay). Instead of resorting to a Wikipedia quote, we’ll summarize Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection with an analogy.

Assume that you have a series of components which need to be wired together. When you think about components, think stereo components not software components. Imagine several stereo components hooked up to a Playstation 3 and a Tivo that have to interface with both an Apple TV box and a 50-inch flat panel LCD TV. You bring everything home from the electronics store and you purchase a series of cables that you are going to use to connect everything to everything else. You unpack all of these components, put them in the right place, and then get to the job of hooking up fifty thousand coaxial cables and stereo jacks to fifty thousand digital inputs and network cables. Step back from your home entertainment center and turn on the TV, you’ve just performed dependency injection, and you’ve just been an inversion of control container.

So what did that have to do with anything? Your Playstation 3 and a Java Bean both provide an interface. The Playstation 3 has two inputs: power and network, and one output to the TV. Your JavaBean has three properties: power, network, and tvOutput. When you open the box of your Playstation 3, it didn’t provide you with detailed pictures and instructions for how to connect it to every different kind of TV that might be in every different kind of house. When you look at your Java Bean, it just provides a set of properties, not an explicit recipe for creating and managing an entire system of components. In an IoC container like Plexus, you are responsible for declaring the relationships between a set of components which simply provide an interface of inputs and outputs. You don’t instantiate objects, Plexus does; your application’s code isn’t responsible for managing the state of components, Plexus is. Even though it sounds very cheesy, when you start up Maven, it is starting Plexus and managing a system of related components just like your stereo system.

What are the advantages of using an IoC container? What is the advantage of buying discrete stereo components? If one component breaks, you can drop in a replacement for your Playstation 3 without having to spend $20,000 on the entire system. If you are unhappy with your TV, you can swap it out without affecting your CD player. Most important to you, your stereo components cost less and are more capable and reliable because manufacturers can build to a set of known inputs and outputs and focus on building individual components. Inversion of Control containers and Dependency Injection encourage Disaggregation and the emergence of standards. The software industry likes to imagine itself as the font of all new ideas, but dependency injection and inversion of control are really just new words for the concepts of Disaggregation and interchangeable machinery. If you really want to know about DI and IoC, learn about the Model T, the Cotton Gin, and the emergence of a railroad standard in the late 19th century.

11.2.2. Introduction to Plexus

The most important feature of an IoC container implemented in Java is a mechanism called dependency injection. The basic idea of IoC is that the control of creating and managing objects is removed from the code itself and placed into the hands of an IoC framework. Using dependency injection in an application that has been programmed to interfaces, you can create components which are not bound to specific implementations of these interfaces. Instead, you program to interfaces and then configure Plexus to connect the appropriate implementation to the appropriate component. While your code deals with interfaces, you can capture the dependencies between classes and components in an XML file that defines components, implementation classes, and the relationships between your components. In other words, you can write isolated components, then you can wire them together using an XML file that defines how the components are wired together. In the case of Plexus, system components are defined with an XML document that is found in META-INF/plexus/components.xml.

In a Java IoC container, there are several methods for injecting dependencies values into a component object: constructor, setter, or field injections. Although Plexus is capable of all three dependency injection techniques, Maven only uses two types: field and setter injection.

Constructor Injection

Constructor injection is populating an object’s values through its constructor when an instance of the object is created. For example, if you had an object of type Person which had a constructor Person(String name, Job job), you could pass in values for both name and the job via this constructor.

Setter Injection

Setter injection is using the setter method of a property on a Java bean to populate object dependencies. For example, if you were working with a Person object with the properties name and job, an IoC container which uses setter injection, would create an instance of Person using a no-arg constructor. Once it had an instance of Person, it would proceed to call the setName() and setJob() methods.

Field Injection

Both Constructor and Setter injection rely on a call to a public method. Using Field injection, an IoC container populates a component’s dependencies by setting an object’s fields directly. For example, if you were working with a Person object that had two fields name and job, your IoC container would populate these dependencies by setting these fields directly (i.e. = "Thomas"; person.job = job;)

11.2.3. Why Plexus?

Spring does happen to be the most popular IoC container at the moment, and there’s a good argument to be made that it has affected the Java "ecosystem" for the better forcing companies like Sun Microsystems to yield more control to the open source community and helping to open up standards by providing a pluggable, component-oriented "bus". But, Spring isn’t the only IoC container in open source. There are many IoC containers (like PicoContainer).

Years and years ago, when Maven was created, Spring wasn’t a mature option. The initial team of committers on Maven were more familiar with Plexus because they invented it, so they decided to use it as an IoC container. While it might not be as popular as the Spring Framework, it is no less capable. And, the fact that it was created by the same person who created Maven makes it a perfect fit. After reading this chapter you’ve have an idea of how Plexus works. If you already use an IoC container you’ll notice similarities and differences between Plexus and the container you currently use.


Just because Maven is based on Plexus doesn’t mean that the Maven community is "anti-Spring" (we’ve included a whole chapter with a Spring example in this book, portions of the Spring project are moving to Maven as a build platform). The question, "Why didn’t you use Spring?" comes up often enough it did make sense to address it here. We know it, Spring is a rock star, we don’t deny it, and it is on our continuing to-do list to introduce people to (and document) Plexus: choice in the software industry is always a good thing.

11.2.4. What is a Plugin?

A Maven Plugin is a Maven artifact which contains a plugin descriptor and one or more Mojos. A Mojo can be thought of as a goal in Maven, and every goal corresponds to a Mojo. The compiler:compile goal corresponds to the CompilerMojo class in the Maven Compiler Plugin, and the jar:jar goal corresponds to the JarMojo class in the Maven Jar Plugin. When you write your own plugin, you are simply grouping together a set of related Mojos (or goals) in a single plugin artifact. [1]


Mojo? What is a Mojo? The word mojo is defined as "a magic charm or spell", "an amulet, often in a small flannel bag containing one or more magic items", and "personal magnetism; charm". Maven uses the term Mojo because it is a play on the word Pojo (Plain-old Java Object).

A Mojo is much more than just a goal in Maven, it is a component managed by Plexus that can include references to other Plexus components.

11.3. Plugin Descriptor

A Maven plugin contains a road-map for Maven that tells Maven about the various Mojos and plugin configuration. This plugin descriptor is present in the plugin JAR file in META-INF/maven/plugin.xml. When Maven loads a plugin, it reads this XML file, instantiates and configures plugin objects to make the Mojos contained in a plugin available to Maven.

When you are writing custom Maven plugins, you will almost never need to think about writing a plugin descriptor. In Chapter 4, The Build Lifecycle, the lifecycle goals bound to the maven-plugin packaging type show that the plugin:descriptor goal is bound to the generate-resources phase. This goal generates a plugin descriptor off of the annotations present in a plugin’s source code. Later in this chapter, you will see how Mojos are annotated, and you will also see how the values in these annotations end up in the META-INF/maven/plugin.xml file.

Plugin Descriptor shows a plugin descriptor for the Maven Zip Plugin. This plugin is a contrived plugin that simply zips up the output directory and produces an archive. Normally, you wouldn’t need to write a custom plugin to create an archive from Maven, you could simply use the Maven Assembly Plugin which is capable of producing a distribution archive in multiple formats. Read through the following plugin descriptor to get an idea of the content it contains.

Plugin Descriptor. 

            <description>Zips up the output directory.</description>
                    <description>Base directory of the project.</description>
                    <description>Directory containing the build files.</description>
                <buildDirectory implementation="">
                <baseDirectory implementation="">

There are three parts to a plugin descriptor: the top-level configuration of the plugin which contains elements like groupId and artifactId, the declaration of mojos, and the declaration of dependencies. Let’s examine each of these sections in more detail.

11.3.1. Top-level Plugin Descriptor Elements

The top-level configuration values in the plugin element are:


This element contains a short description of the plugin. In the case of the Zip plugin, this description is empty.

groupId, artifactId, version

As with everything else in Maven, plugins need to have a unique set of coordinates. The groupId, artifactId, and version are used to locate the plugin artifact in a Maven repository.


This element controls the prefix used to reference goals in a particular plugin. If you were to look at the Compiler plugin’s descriptor you would see that goalPrefix has a value of compiler. If you look at the descriptor for the Jar plugin, it would have a goalPrefix of jar. It is important that you choose a distinct goal prefix for your custom plugin.

isolatedRealm (deprecated)

This is a legacy property which is no longer used by Maven. It is still present in the system to provide backwards compatibility with older plugins. Earlier versions of Maven used to provide a mechanism to load a plugin’s dependencies in an isolated ClassLoader. Maven makes extensive use of a project called ClassWorlds from the Codehaus community to create hierarchies of ClassLoader objects which are modeled by a ClassRealm object. Feel free to ignore this property and always set it to false.


If inheritedByDefault is set to true, any mojo in this plugin which is configured in a parent project will be configured in a child project. If you configure a mojo to execute during a specific phase in a parent project and the Plugin has inheritedByDefault set to true, this execution will be inherited by the child project. If inheritedByDefault is not set to true, then an goal execution defined in a parent project will not be inherited by a child project.

11.3.2. Mojo Configuration

Next is the declaration of each Mojo. The plugin element contains an element named mojos which contains a mojo element for each mojo present in the Plugin. Each mojo element contains the following configuration elements:


This is the name of the goal. If you were running the compiler:compile goal, then compiler is the plugin’s goalPrefix and compile would be the name of the goal.


This contains a short description of the goal to display to the user when they use the Help plugin to generate plugin documentation.


If you set this to true, the goal can only be executed if it is explicitly executed from the command-line by the user. If someone tries to bind this goal to a lifecycle phase in a POM, Maven will print an error message. The default for this element is false


Specifies that a given goal cannot be executed outside of a project. The goal requires a project with a POM. The default value for requiresProject is true.


If you were creating a plugin that relies on the presence of reports, you would need to set requiresReports to true. For example, if you were writing a plugin to aggregate information from a number of reports, you would set requiresReports to true. The default for this element is false.


A Mojo descriptor with aggregator set to true is supposed to only run once during the execution of Maven, it was created to give plugin developers the ability to summarize the output of a series of builds; for example, to create a plugin that summarizes a report across all projects included in a build. A goal with aggregator set to true should only be run against the top-level project in a Maven build. The default value of aggregator is false.


Specifies that a given goal cannot be executed if Maven is running in offline mode (-o command-line option). If a goal depends on a network resource, you would specify a value of true for this element and Maven would print an error if the goal was executed in offline mode. The default for requiresOnline is false.


If inheritedByDefault is set to true, a mojo which is configured in a parent project will be configured in a child project. If you configure a mojo to execute during a specific phase in a parent project and the Mojo descriptor has inheritedByDefault set to true, this execution will be inherited by the child project. If inheritedByDefault is not set to true, then a goal execution defined in a parent project will not be inherited by a child project.


If you don’t bind this goal to a specific phase, this element defines the default phase for this mojo. If you do not specify a phase element, Maven will require the user to explicitly specify a phase in a POM.


This element tells Maven which class to instantiate for this Mojo. This is a Plexus component property (defined in Plexus ComponentDescriptor).


The default language for a Maven Mojo is Java. This controls the Plexus ComponentFactory used to create instances of this Mojo component. This chapter focuses on writing Maven plugins in Java, but you can also write Maven in a number of alternative languages such as Groovy, Beanshell, and Ruby. If you were writing a plugin in one of these languages you would use a language element value other than java.


This property is a Plexus component configuration property, it tells Plexus how to create and manage instances of the component. In Maven, all mojos are going to be configured with an instantiationStrategy of per-lookup; a new instance of the component (mojo) is created every time it is retrieved from Plexus.


The execution strategy tells Maven when and how to execute a Mojo. The valid values are once-per-session and always. Note: This particular property doesn’t do a thing, it is a hold over from an early design of Maven. This property is slated for deprecation in a future release of Maven.


This element describes all of the parameters for this Mojo. What’s the name of the parameter? What is the type of parameter? Is it required? Each parameter has the following elements:


Is the name of the parameter (i.e. baseDirectory)


This is the type (Java class) of the parameters (i.e.


Is the parameter required? If true, the parameter must be non-null when the goal is executed.


If a parameter is not editable (if editable is set to false), then the value of the parameter cannot be set in the POM. For example, if the plugin descriptor defines the value of buildDirectory to be ${basedir} in the descriptor, a POM cannot override this value to be another value in a POM.


A short description to use when generating plugin documentation (using the Help Plugin)


This element provides default values for all of the Mojo’s parameters using Maven property notation. This example provides a default value for the baseDir Mojo parameter and the buildDirectory Mojo parameter. In the parameter element, the implementation specifies the type of the parameter (in this case, the value in the parameter element contains either a hard-coded default or a Maven property reference.


This is where the descriptor gets interesting. A Mojo is a component that is managed by Plexus, and, because of this, it has the opportunity to reference other components managed by Plexus. This element allows you to define dependencies on other components in Plexus.

While you should know how to read a Plugin Descriptor, you will almost never need to write one of these descriptor files by hand. Plugin Descriptor files are generated automatically off of a set of annotations in the source for a Mojo.

11.3.3. Plugin Dependencies

Lastly, the plugin descriptor declares a set of dependencies just like a Maven project. When Maven uses a plugin, it will download any required dependencies before it attempts to execute a goal from this plugin. In this example, the plugin depends on Jakarta Commons IO version 1.3.2.

11.4. Writing a Custom Plugin

When you write a custom plugin, you are going to be writing a series of Mojos (goals). Every Mojo is a single Java class which contains a series of annotations that tell Maven how to generate the Plugin descriptor described in the previous section. Before you can start writing Mojo classes, you will need to create Maven project with the appropriate packaging and POM.

11.4.1. Creating a Plugin Project

To create a plugin project, you should use the Maven Archetype plugin. The following command-line will create a plugin with a groupId of org.sonatype.mavenbook.plugins and the artifactId of first-maven-plugin:

$ mvn archetype:create \
      -DgroupId=org.sonatype.mavenbook.plugins \
      -DartifactId=first-maven-plugin \
      -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \

The Archetype plugin is going to create a directory named my-first-plugin which contains the following POM.

A Plugin Project’s POM. 

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project>
    <name>first-maven-plugin Maven Mojo</name>

The most important element in a plugin project’s POM is the packaging element which has a value of maven-plugin. This packaging element customizes the Maven lifecycle to include the necessary goals to create a plugin descriptor. The plugin lifecycle was introduced in Section 4.2.3, “Maven Plugin”, it is similar to the Jar lifecycle with three exceptions: plugin:descriptor is bound to the generate-resources phase, plugin:addPluginArtifactMetadata is added to the package phase, and plugin:updateRegistry is added to the install phase.

The other important piece of a plugin project’s POM is the dependency on the Maven Plugin API. This project depends on version 2.0 of the maven-plugin-api and it also adds in JUnit as a test-scoped dependency.

11.4.2. A Simple Java Mojo

In this chapter, we’re going to introduce a Maven Mojo written in Java. Each Mojo in your project is going to implement the org.apache.maven.plugin.Mojo interface, the Mojo implementation shown in the following example implements the Mojo interface by extending the org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo class. Before we dive into the code for this Mojo, let’s take some time to explore the methods on the Mojo interface. Mojo provides the following methods:

void setLog( org.apache.maven.monitor.logging.Log log )

Every Mojo implementation has to provide a way for the plugin to communicate the progress of a particular goal. Did the goal succeed? Or, was there a problem during goal execution? When Maven loads and executes a Mojo, it is going to call the setLog() method and supply the Mojo instance with a suitable logging destination to be used in your custom plugin.

protected Log getLog()

Maven is going to call setLog() before your Mojo is executed, and your Mojo can retrieve the logging object by calling getLog(). Instead of printing out status to Standard Output or the console, your Mojo is going to invoke methods on the Log object.

void execute() throws org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException

This method is called by Maven when it is time to execute your goal.

The Mojo interface is concerned with two things: logging the results of goal execution and executing a goal. When you are writing a custom plugin, you’ll be extending AbstractMojo. AbstractMojo takes care of handling the setLog() and getLog() implementations and contains an abstract execute() method. When you extend AbstractMojo, all you need to do is implement the execute() method. A Simple EchoMojo shows a trivial Mojo implement which simply prints out a message to the console.

A Simple EchoMojo. 

package org.sonatype.mavenbook.plugins;

import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;

 * Echos an object string to the output screen.
 * @goal echo
 * @requiresProject false
public class EchoMojo extends AbstractMojo
     * Any Object to print out.
     * @parameter expression="${echo.message}" default-value="Hello World..."
    private Object message;

    public void execute()
        throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException
        getLog().info( message.toString() );

If you create this Mojo in ${basedir} under src/main/java in org/sonatype/mavenbook/mojo/ in the project created in the previous section and run mvn install, you should be able to invoke this goal directly from the command-line with:

$ mvn org.sonatype.mavenbook.plugins:first-maven-plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT:echo

That large command-line is mvn followed by the groupId:artifactId:version:goal. When you run this command-line you should see output that contains the output of the echo goal with the default message: "Hello Maven World…". If you want to customize the message, you can pass the value of the message parameter with the following command-line:

$ mvn org.sonatype.mavenbook.plugins:first-maven-plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT:echo \
      -Decho.message="The Eagle has Landed"

The previous command-line is going to execute the EchoMojo and print out the message "The Eagle has Landed".

11.4.3. Configuring a Plugin Prefix

Specifying the groupId, artifactId, version, and goal on the command-line is cumbersome. To address this, Maven assigns a plugin a prefix. Instead of typing:

$ mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin:2.2:jar

You can use the plugin prefix jar and turn that command-line into mvn jar:jar. How does Maven resolve something like jar:jar to org.apache.mven.plugins:maven-jar:2.3? Maven looks at a file in the Maven repository to obtain a list of plugins for a specific groupId. By default, Maven is configured to look for plugins in two groups: org.apache.maven.plugins and org.codehaus.mojo. When you specify a new plugin prefix like mvn hibernate3:hbm2ddl, Maven is going to scan the repository metadata for the appropriate plugin prefix. First, Maven is going to scan the org.apache.maven.plugins group for the plugin prefix hibernate3. If it doesn’t find the plugin prefix hibernate3 in the org.apache.maven.plugins group it will scan the metadata for the org.codehaus.mojo group.

When Maven scans the metadata for a particular groupId, it is retrieving an XML file from the Maven repository which captures metadata about the artifacts contained in a group. This XML file is specific for each repository referenced, if you are not using a custom Maven repository, you will be able to see the Maven metadata for the org.apache.maven.plugins group in your local Maven repository (~/.m2/repository) under org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-metadata-central.xml. Maven Metadata for the Maven Plugin Group shows a snippet of the maven-metadata-central.xml file from the org.apache.maven.plugin group.

Maven Metadata for the Maven Plugin Group. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <name>Maven Clean Plugin</name>
            <name>Maven Compiler Plugin</name>
            <name>Maven Surefire Plugin</name>

As you can see in Maven Metadata for the Maven Plugin Group, this maven-metadata-central.xml file in your local repository is what makes it possible for you to execute mvn surefire:test. Maven scans org.apache.maven.plugins and org.codehaus.mojo: plugins from org.apache.maven.plugins are considered core Maven plugins and plugins from org.codehaus.mojo are considered extra plugins. The Apache Maven project manages the org.apache.maven.plugins group, and a separate independent open source community manages the Codehaus Mojo project. If you would like to start publishing plugins to your own groupId, and you would like Maven to automatically scan your own groupId for plugin prefixes, you can customize the groups that Maven scans for plugins in your Maven Settings.

If you wanted to be able to run the first-maven-plugins echo goal by running first:echo, add the org.sonatype.mavenbook.plugins groupId to your '~/.m2/settings.xml as shown in Customizing the Plugin Groups in Maven Settings. This will prepend the org.sonatype.mavenbook.plugins to the list of groups which Maven scans for Maven plugins.

Customizing the Plugin Groups in Maven Settings. 


You can now run mvn first:echo from any directory and see that Maven will properly resolve the goal prefix to the appropriate plugin identifiers. This worked because our project adhered to a naming convention for Maven plugins. If your plugin project has an artifactId which follows the pattern maven-first-plugin or first-maven-plugin. Maven will automatically assign a plugin goal prefix of first to your plugin. In other words, when the Maven Plugin Plugin is generating the Plugin descriptor for your plugin and you have not explicitly set the goalPrefix in your project, the plugin:descriptor goal will extract the prefix from your plugin’s artifactId when it matches the following patterns:

  • ${prefix}-maven-plugin, OR
  • maven-${prefix}-plugin

If you would like to set an explicit plugin prefix, you’ll need to configure the Maven Plugin Plugin. The Maven Plugin Plugin is a plugin that is responsible for building the Plugin descriptor and performing plugin specific tasks during the package and load phases. The Maven Plugin Plugin can be configured just like any other plugin in the build element. To set the plugin prefix for your plugin, add the following build element to the first-maven-plugin project’s pom.xml.

Configuring a Plugin Prefix. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project>
    <name>first-maven-plugin Maven Mojo</name>

Configuring a Plugin Prefix sets the plugin prefix to blah. If you’ve added the org.sonatype.mavenbook.plugins to the pluginGroups in your ~/.m2/settings.xml, you should be able to execute the EchoMojo by running mvn blah:echo from any directory.

11.4.4. Logging from a Plugin

Maven takes care of connecting your Mojo to a logging provider by calling setLog() prior to the execution of your Mojo. It supplies an implementation of org.apache.maven.monitor.logging.Log. This class exposes methods that you can use to communicate information back to the user. This Log class provides multiple levels of logging similar to that API provided by Log4J. Those levels are captured by a series of methods available for each level: debug, info, error and warn. To save trees, we’ve only listed the methods for a single logging level: debug.

void debug( CharSequence message)

Prints a message to the debug logging level.

void debug( CharSequence message, Throwable t)

Prints a message to the debug logging level which includes the stack trace from the Throwable (either Exception or Error)

void debug( Throwable t )

Prints out the stack trace of the Throwable (either Exception or Error)

Each of the four levels exposes the same three methods. The four logging levels serve different purposes. The debug level exists for debugging purposes and for people who want to see a very detailed picture of the execution of a Mojo. You should use the debug logging level to provide as much detail on the execution of a Mojo, but you should never assume that a user is going to see the debug level. The info level is for general informational messages that should be printed as a normal course of operation. If you were building a plugin that compiled code using a compiler, you might want to print the output of the compiler to the screen.

The warn logging level is used for messages about unexpected events and errors that your Mojo can cope with. If you were trying to run a plugin that compiled Ruby source code, and there was no Ruby source code available, you might want to just print a warning message and move on. Warnings are not fatal, but errors are usually build-stopping conditions. For the completely unexpected error condition, there is the error logging level. You would use error if you couldn’t continue executing a Mojo. If you were writing a Mojo to compile some Java code and the compiler wasn’t available, you’d print a message to the error level and possibly pass along an Exception that Maven could print out for the user. You should assume that a user is going to see most of the messages in info and all of the messages in error.

11.4.5. Mojo Class Annotations

In first-maven-plugin, you didn’t write the plugin descriptor yourself, you relied on Maven to generate the plugin descriptor from your source code. The descriptor was generated using your plugin project’s POM information and a set of annotations on your EchoMojo class. EchoMojo only specifies the @goal annotation, here is a list of other annotations you can place on your Mojo implementation.

@goal <goalName>

This is the only required annotation which gives a name to this goal unique to this plugin.

@requiresDependencyResolution <requireScope>

Flags this mojo as requiring the dependencies in the specified scope (or an implied scope) to be resolved before it can execute. Supports compile, runtime, and test. If this annotation had a value of test, it would tell Maven that the Mojo cannot be executed until the dependencies in the test scope had been resolved.

@requiresProject (true|false)

Marks that this goal must be run inside of a project, default is true. This is opposed to plugins like archetypes, which do not.

@requiresReports (true|false)

If you were creating a plugin that relies on the presence of reports, you would need to set requiresReports to true. The default value of this annotation is false.

@aggregator (true|false)

A Mojo with aggregator set to true is supposed to only run once during the execution of Maven. It was created to give plugin developers the ability to summarize the output of a series of builds; for example, to create a plugin that summarizes a report across all projects included in a build. A goal with aggregator set to true should only be run against the top-level project in a Maven build. The default value of aggregator is false.

@requiresOnline (true|false)

When set to true, Maven must not be running in offline mode when this goal is executed. Maven will throw an error if one attempts to execute this goal offline. Default: false.


When set to true, the goal can only be executed if it is explicitly executed from the command-line by the user. Maven will throw an error if someone tries to bind this goal to a lifecycle phase. The default for this annotation is false.

@phase <phaseName>

This annotation specifies the default phase for this goal. If you add an execution for this goal to a pom.xml and do not specify the phase, Maven will bind the goal to the phase specified in this annotation by default.

@execute [goal=goalName|phase=phaseName [lifecycle=lifecycleId]]

This annotation can be used in a number of ways. If a phase is supplied, Maven will execute a parallel lifecycle ending in the specified phase. The results of this separate execution will be made available in the Maven property ${executedProperty}.

The second way of using this annotation is to specify an explicit goal using the prefix:goal notation. When you specify just a goal, Maven will execute this goal in a parallel environment that will not affect the current Maven build.

The third way of using this annotation would be to specify a phase in an alternate lifecycle using the identifier of a lifecycle.

@execute phase="package" lifecycle="zip"
@execute phase="compile"
@execute goal="zip:zip"

If you look at the source for EchoMojo, you’ll notice that Maven is not using the standard annotations available in Java 5. Instead, it is using Commons Attributes. Commons Attributes provided a way for Java programmers to use annotations before annotations were a part of the Java language specification. Why doesn’t Maven use Java 5 annotations? Maven doesn’t use Java 5 annotations because it is designed to target pre-Java 5 JVMs. Because Maven has to support older versions of Java, it cannot use any of the newer features available in Java 5.

11.4.6. When a Mojo Fails

The execute() method in Mojo throws two exceptions MojoExecutionException and MojoFailureException. The difference between these two exception is both subtle and important, and it relates to what happens when a goal execution "fails". A MojoExecutionException is a fatal exception, something unrecoverable happened. You would throw a MojoExecutionException if something happens that warrants a complete stop in a build; you re trying to write to disk, but there is no space left, or you were trying to publish to a remote repository, but you can’t connect to it. Throw a MojoExecutionException if there is no chance of a build continuing; something terrible has happened and you want the build to stop and the user to see a "BUILD ERROR" message.

A MojoFailureException is something less catastrophic, a goal can fail, but it might not be the end of the world for your Maven build. A unit test can fail, or a MD5 checksum can fail; both of these are potential problems, but you don’t want to return an exception that is going to kill the entire build. In this situation you would throw a MojoFailureException. Maven provides for different "resiliency" settings when it comes to project failure. Which are described below.

When you run a Maven build, it could involve a series of projects each of which can succeed or fail. You have the option of running Maven in three failure modes:

mvn -ff

Fail-fast mode: Maven will fail (stop) at the first build failure.

mvn -fae

Fail-at-end: Maven will fail at the end of the build. If a project in the Maven reactor fails, Maven will continue to build the rest of the builds and report a failure at the end of the build.

mvn -fn

Fail never: Maven won’t stop for a failure and it won’t report a failure.

You might want to ignore failure if you are running a continuous integration build and you want to attempt a build regardless of the success of failure of an individual project build. As a plugin developer, you’ll have to make a call as to whether a particular failure condition is a MojoExecutionException or a MojoFailureExeception.

11.5. Mojo Parameters

Just as important as the execute() method and the Mojo annotations, a Mojo is configured via parameters. This section deals with some configuration and topics surrounding Mojo parameters.

11.5.1. Supplying Values for Mojo Parameters

In EchoMojo we declared the message parameter with the following annotations:

* Any Object to print out.
* @parameter
*   expression="${echo.message}"
*   default-value="Hello Maven World"
private Object message;

The default expression for this parameter is ${echo.message}, this means that Maven will try to use the value of the echo.message property to set the value for message. If the value of the echo.message property is null, the default-value attribute of the @parameter annotation will be used instead. Instead of using the echo.message property, we can configure a value for the message parameter of the EchoMojo directly in a project’s POM.

There are a few ways to populate the message parameter in the EchoMojo. First we can pass in a value from the command-line like this (assuming that you’ve added org.sonatype.mavenbook.plugins to your pluginGroups):

$ mvn first:echo -Decho.message="Hello Everybody"

We could also specify the value of this message parameter, by setting a property in our POM or in our settings.xml.

        <echo.message>Hello Everybody</echo.message>

This parameter could also be configured directly as a configuration value for the plugin. If we wanted to customize the message parameter directly, we could use the following build configuration. The following configuration bypasses the echo.message property and populates the Mojo parameter in plugin configuration.

                    <message>Hello Everybody!</message>

If we wanted to run the EchoMojo twice at difference phases in a lifecycle, and we wanted to customize the message parameter for each execution separately, we could configure the parameter value at the execution level in a POM like this:

                        <message>The Eagle has Landed!</message>

While this last configuration example seems very verbose, it illustrates the flexibility of Maven. In the previous configuration example, you’ve bound the EchoMojo to both the validate and generate-resources phases in the default Maven lifecycle. The first execution is bound to generate-resources, it supplies a string value to the message parameter of "The Eagle has Landed!". The second execution is bound to the validate phase, it supplies a property reference to 1.0. When you run mvn install for his project, you’ll see that the first:echo goal executes twice and prints out two different messages.

11.5.2. Multi-valued Mojo Parameters

Plugins can have parameters which accept more than one value. Take a look at the ZipMojo shown in A Plugin with Multi-valued Parameters. Both the includes and excludes parameters are multivalued String arrays which specify the inclusion and exclusion patterns for a component that creates a ZIP file.

A Plugin with Multi-valued Parameters. 

package org.sonatype.mavenbook.plugins

* Zips up the output directory.
* @goal zip
* @phase package
public class ZipMojo extends AbstractMojo
* The Zip archiver.
* @parameter \
private ZipArchiver zipArchiver;

* Directory containing the build files.
* @parameter expression="${}"
private File buildDirectory;

* Base directory of the project.
* @parameter expression="${basedir}"
private File baseDirectory;

* A set of file patterns to include in the zip.
* @parameter alias="includes"
private String[] mIncludes;

* A set of file patterns to exclude from the zip.
* @parameter alias="excludes"
private String[] mExcludes;

public void setExcludes( String[] excludes ) { mExcludes = excludes; }

public void setIncludes( String[] includes ) { mIncludes = includes; }

public void execute()
throws MojoExecutionException
try {
zipArchiver.addDirectory( buildDirectory, includes, excludes );
zipArchiver.setDestFile( new File( baseDirectory, "" ) );
} catch( Exception e ) {
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Could not zip", e );

To configure a multi-valued Mojo parameter, you use a series of elements for each value. If the name of the multi-valued parameter is includes, you would use an element includes with child elements include. If the multi-valued parameter is excludes, you would use an element excludes with child elements exclude. To configure the ZipMojo to ignore all files ending in .txt and all files ending in a tilde, you would use the following plugin configuration.


11.5.3. Depending on Plexus Components

A Mojo is a component managed by an IoC container called Plexus. A Mojo can depend on other components managed by Plexus by declaring a Mojo parameter and using the @parameter or the @component annotation. A Plugin with Multi-valued Parameters shows a ZipMojo which depends on a Plexus component using the @parameter annotation, this dependency could be declared using the @component annotation.

Depending on a Plexus Component. 

* The Zip archiver.
* @component role="org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.Archiver" roleHint="zip"
private ZipArchiver zipArchiver;

When Maven instantiates this Mojo, it will then attempt to retrieve the Plexus component with the specified role and role hint. In this example, the Mojo will be related to a ZipArchiver component which will allow the ZipMojo to create a ZIP file.

11.5.4. Mojo Parameter Annotations

Unless you insist on writing your Plugin descriptors by hand, you’ll never have to write that XML. Instead, the Maven Plugin Plugin has a plugin:descriptor goal bound to the generate-resources phase. This goal generates the plugin descriptor from annotations on your Mojo. To configure a Mojo parameter, you should use the following annotations on either the private member variables for each of your Mojo’s parameters on public setter methods for each property. The most common convention for Maven plugins is to annotate private member variables directly.

@parameter [alias="someAlias"] [expression="${someExpression}"] [default-value="value"]

Marks a private field (or a setter method) as a parameter. The alias provides the name of the parameter. If alias is omitted, Maven will use the name of the variable as the parameter name. The expression is an expression that Maven will evaluate to obtain a value. Usually the expression is a property reference like ${echo.message}. default-value is the value that this Mojo will use if no value can be derived from the expression or if a value was not explicitly supplied via plugin configuration in a POM.


If this annotation is present, a valid value for this parameter is required prior to Mojo execution. If Maven tries to execute this Mojo and the parameter has a null value, Maven will throw an error when it tries to execute this goal.


If this annotation is present, the user cannot directly configure this parameter in the POM. You would use this annotation with the expression attribute of the parameter annotation. For example, if you wanted to make sure that a particular parameter always had the value of the finalName POM property, you would list an expression of ${build.finalName} and then add the @readOnly annotation. If this were the case, the user could only change the value of this parameter by changing the value of finalName in the POM.


Tells Maven to populate a field with a Plexus Component. A valid value for the @component annotation would be:

@component role="org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.Archiver" roleHint="zip"

This would have the effect of retrieving the ZipArchiver from Plexus. The ZipArchiver is the Archiver which corresponds to the role hint zip. Instead of component, you could also use the @parameter annotation with an expression attribute of:

@parameter expression="'+++${}+++'"

While the two annotations are effectively the same, the @component annotation is the preferred way to configure dependencies on Plexus components.


The parameter will be deprecated. Users can continue configuring this parameter, but a warning message will be displayed.

11.6. Plugins and the Maven Lifecycle

In the Chapter 4, The Build Lifecycle chapter, you learned that lifecycles can be customized by packaging types. A plugin can both introduce a new packaging type and customize the lifecycle. In this section, you are going to learn how you can customize the lifecycle from a custom Maven plugin. You are going to learn how to execute a parallel lifecycle.

11.6.1. Executing a Parallel Lifecycle

Let’s assume you write some goal that depends on the output from a previous build. Maybe the ZipMojo goal can only run if there is output to include in an archive. You can specify something like a prerequisite goal by using the @execute annotation on a Mojo class. This annotation will cause Maven to spawn a parallel build and execute a goal or a lifecycle in a parallel instance of Maven that isn’t going to affect the current build.

@execute goal="<goal>"

This will execute the given goal before execution of this one. The goal name is specified using the prefix:goal notation.

@execute phase="<phase>"

This will fork an alternate build lifecycle up to the specified phase before continuing to execute the current one. If no lifecycle is specified, Maven will use the lifecycle of the current build.

@execute lifecycle="<lifecycle>" phase="<phase>"

This will execute the given alternate lifecycle. A custom lifecycle can be defined in META-INF/maven/lifecycle.xml.

11.6.2. Creating a Custom Lifecycle

A custom lifecycle must be packaged in the plugin under the META-INF/maven/lifecycle.xml file. You can include a lifecycle under src/main/resources in META-INF/maven/lifecycle.xml. The following lifecycle.xml declares a lifecycle named zipcycle that contains only the zip goal in a package phase.

Define a Custom Lifecycle in lifecycle.xml. 


If you wanted to execute the zipcycle lifecycle within another build, you could then create a ZipForkMojo which uses the @execute annotation to tell Maven to step through the zipcycle lifecycle when the ZipForkMojo is executed.

Forking a Custom Lifecycle from a Mojo. 

* Forks a zip lifecycle.
* @goal zip-fork
* @execute lifecycle="zipcycle" phase="package"
public class ZipForkMojo extends AbstractMojo
public void execute()
throws MojoExecutionException
getLog().info( "doing nothing here" );

Running the ZipForkMojo will fork the lifecycle. If you’ve configured your plugin to execute with the goal prefix zip, running zip-fork should produce something similar to the following output.

$ mvn zip:zip-fork
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'zip'.
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Maven Zip Forked Lifecycle Test
[INFO]task-segment: [zip:zip-fork]
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Preparing zip:zip-fork
[INFO] [site:attach-descriptor]
[INFO] [zip:zip]
[INFO] Building zip: \
[INFO] [zip:zip-fork]
[INFO] doing nothing here
[INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1 second
[INFO] Finished at: Sun Apr 29 16:10:06 CDT 2007
[INFO] Final Memory: 3M/7M
[INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Calling zip-fork spawned another lifecycle, Maven executed the zipcycle lifecycle then it printed out the message from ZipFormMojo's execute method.

11.6.3. Overriding the Default Lifecycle

Once you’ve created your own lifecycle and spawned it from a Mojo. The next question you might have is how do you override the default lifecycle? How do you create custom lifecycles and attach them to projects? In Chapter 4, The Build Lifecycle, we saw that the packaging of a project defines the lifecycle of a project. There’s something different about almost every packaging type; each packaging type attaches different goals to the default lifecycle. When you create a custom lifecycle, you can attach that lifecycle to a packaging type by supplying some Plexus configuration in your plugin’s archive.

To define a new lifecycle for a new packaging type, you’ll need to configure a LifecycleMapping component in Plexus. In your plugin project, create a META-INF/plexus/components.xml under src/main/resources. In components.xml add the content from Overriding the Default Lifecycle. Set the name of the packaging type under role-hint, and the set of phases containing the coordinates of the goals to bind (omit the version). Multiple goals can be associated with a phase using a comma delimited list.

Overriding the Default Lifecycle. 


If you create a plugin which defines a new packaging type and a customized lifecycle, Maven won’t know anything about it until you add the plugin to your project’s POM and set the extensions element to true. Once you do this, Maven will scan your plugin for more than just Mojos to execute, it will look for the components.xml under META-INF/plexus, and it will make the packaging type available to your project.

Configuring a Plugin as an Extension. 


Once you add the plugin with the extensions element set to true, you can use the custom packaging type and your project will be able to execute the custom lifecycle associated with that packaging type.

[1] "mojo." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. 02 Mar. 2008