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Resources Blog [Video] Accelerating Continuous Delivery by Improving NuGet ...

[Video] Accelerating Continuous Delivery by Improving NuGet Package Management

Recently at Microsoft’s TechEd in Europe, Marcel de Vries, Visual Studio ALM MVP and CTO Xpirit, wowed the audience when presenting a talk on how to accelerate continuous delivery by improving NuGet component management.

Nuget Component ManagementUse of repository managers in continuous delivery environments are shown to reduce build times 20-fold as compared to relying on public open source repositories like the NuGet Gallery. By relying on a local caching proxy for the NuGet Gallery and hosting your own proprietary NuGet packages locally, you can dramatically improve build speeds and reliability.

Marcel showed how a repository manager that integrates with NuGet helps .NET developers manage component versions, dependencies and license types using proxy facilities to ensure a continuous flow of development and faster cycle times.

Hear Marcel’s full Microsoft TechEd talk here. Walk away knowing how to integrate Sonatype Nexus, in your continuous delivery strategy and benefit from a frictionless experience for all developers.

Picture of Derek Weeks

Written by Derek Weeks

Derek serves as vice president and DevOps advocate at Sonatype and is the co-founder of All Day DevOps -- an online community of 65,000 IT professionals.