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Resources Blog npm registry support for all!

npm registry support for all!

Continuing our commitment to the open source community we are taking Nexus OSS to another level. After adding NuGet support in Nexus 2.9 for FREE in Nexus OSS (a long time paid feature of Nexus Professional) our engineering team is at it again. I remember when we created the issue tracker ticket to support npm in Nexus over a year ago. Node.js development and usage of npm registries was on the horizon and making its way into companies more and more. Tools like Grunt have only gotten more traction since then.

If you were at JavaOne this year, hopefully you attended my presentation about taking advantage of Nexus OSS. There I shared that the Nexus 2.10 release adds npm support which was well received by the audience. A number of people came by the Sonatype booth to chat about npm registry support and related topics. I also attended a number of presentations that mentioned Grunt and other tools where performance and stability issues were shared.

The Nexus repository format support is not limited to mere proxy functionality. You can configure as many external npm registries to connect to as you want. You can also create hosted registries that are internal to your organization and act as deployment target for any packages you create and reuse in other projects. And to make things easy for all consumers, you can wrap all these registries and expose them all as a single registry (a.k.a, a Nexus registry group).

Together this allows you to greatly improve the stability of your npm based builds, since your Nexus registry will always be online (meaning, you will not fall victim to any outages of public npm registries). You will also be able to work towards creating npm packages that are reused across your organization and beyond.

Picture of Manfred Moser

Written by Manfred Moser

Manfred is a former author, trainer, and community advocate at Sonatype. He speaks regularly at conferences such as JavaOne, OSCON, DevOpsDays. He is a long time open source developer and contributor.