RebelLabs Java survey results: Developers love Sonatype Nexus Repository
Another informative and well-presented RebelLabs survey has hit the streets. Their 2014 Java Tools and Technologies Landscape report was just released and hats off to them for 'their better than ever response rate' and their good will for charity donations from each completed survey response. This year's survey covers more than a dozen different tool/technology segments within the Java industry. The survey was designed to gather general market data including usage and developer sentiment on different developer tools — such as IDEs, Application Servers, Build Tools, Web Frameworks, DBs, Continuous Integration tools, repositories, and more. In addition, respondents were asked which IDE, build tool and alternative JVM language they would rather use or learn more about, regardless of their current technology stack.
Sonatype was thrilled to see Sonatype Nexus Repository topping the list as the main binary/artifact repository used by developers. A whopping 64% of respondents indicated they use Sonatype Nexus Repository as their repository manager of choice.
Here is a full view of the Java tools and technologies leaderboard:
As annual survey-givers ourselves, our recent 2014 survey -- with 3300+ respondents -- supports the RebelLabs data and shows 3x as many Nexus users as the nearest alternative (JFrog's Artifactory). And when diving into the number of repositories requesting components from Maven Central, we see an overwhelming 75% of the market using Sonatype Nexus Repository, with the total number of organizations using repositories doubling over the past 12 months. We'll share more about this exciting growth soon.
Thanks again to RebelLabs for sharing your survey and we look forward to more interesting research reports in the future.
If you would like to learn more about the exciting innovations included and planned for Sonatype Nexus Repository, check out our resources page.
Stay tuned, our 4th annual Open Source Development and Application Security survey results are only a couple of weeks away. The results are looking juicy so be sure you're registered for our upcoming reveal event on June 18th.

Derek serves as vice president and DevOps advocate at Sonatype and is the co-founder of All Day DevOps -- an online community of 65,000 IT professionals.
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