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Enhancements to Maven Central

Sonatype is committed to ensuring that Maven Central is a reliable resource for the community. We are continuing to invest in enhancements that improve system availability, including the conversion to virtual systems and adding redundancy to Central's Internet connection. These new improvements follow the deployment of the new official Maven Central repositories in the UK that enabled much faster access for all Maven users in Europe, as well as providing another geographically redundant backup of artifacts.

Virtual servers: We now have six nodes running in a private cloud cluster and both Central machines in the US are fully converted to virtual machines. This will allow the two systems to be completely isolated from hardware failure and provides greater flexibility for load balancing and performance tuning.

Internet redundancy: Maven Central is now connected to Contegix's fully managed network which provides multiple routes to the Internet. While the existing connection had been extremely stable in the past, we believe that using the managed and redundant network is the best choice for providing a reliable service to our users. The conversion to the new network is already completed and you may notice that Maven Central now has a new IP address.

We are aware that some users have firewall rules that are locked to the external service IP. Because of this, we strive to maintain a consistent IP for each system, however the primary mechanism for accessing the repository is by DNS for most users. At times, our failover escalation or maintenance procedures may require us to redirect the DNS for one system to another.

For this reason, if you have firewall rules in place that need specific IPs, please allow this list so that you won't be affected by any temporary transitions:

  • : US primary
  • : US staging / standby
  • UK Primary
  • UK standby
Picture of Brian Fox

Written by Brian Fox

Brian Fox, CTO and co-founder of Sonatype, is a Governing Board Member for the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF), a Governing Board Member for the Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS), a member of the Monetary Authority of Singapore Cyber and Technology Resilience Experts (CTREX) Panel, a ...