We would like to announce the release of Nexus 1.1. This release was primarily focused on architecture improvements in the form of ExtJs and Restlet framework upgrades as well as improvements aimed at allowing the introduction of plugins. It also marks the first release of Nexus that is available as a War.
The War has been successfully tested on Resin, Tomcat and Jetty but is considered Beta. It is currently known to not work on Glassfish due to that container's conflict with Log4j. You can find more information regarding the war support at Nexus-58 and Nexus-1055. Please report any issues to the nexus-user list or Jira.
Also included are several enhancements aimed at improving the user experience:
Index Browsing
Previously the browse repository screens only included items already cached by Nexus. The new screen allows you to browse the tree view for a remote repository when the remote index has been downloaded:

Log Viewing
Tail functionality has been added to the log screen:

Admin can directly set a user password
It is now possible to set a password directly without requiring an SMTP server:

Many other improvements and bug fixes are included. The full list can be retrieved from Jira.
Download your copy of Nexus here.
Brian Fox, CTO and co-founder of Sonatype, is a Governing Board Member for the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF), a Governing Board Member for the Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS), a member of the Monetary Authority of Singapore Cyber and Technology Resilience Experts (CTREX) Panel, a ...
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