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Polyglot Maven: Maven for Scala

Did you know that Scala is all about Maven? David Bernard wrote a quick intro to Maven for Scala programmers back in January. The Updated Version is now the getting started guide for Lift.

What's interesting about this is that not only can you quickly create a Scala project using the archetype plugin in Maven, there is also a Maven Scala Plugin. Unique and interesting features of this plugin?

Lift is a Scala web frame, Lift's main page is a wiki and they also have a Maven site.

Picture of Tim OBrien

Written by Tim OBrien

Tim is a Software Architect with experience in all aspects of software development from project inception to developing scaleable production architectures for large-scale systems during critical, high-risk events such as Black Friday. He has helped many organizations ranging from small startups to Fortune 100 companies take a more strategic approach to adopting and evaluating technology and managing the risks associated with change.