Leadership Forum

Tuesday 5th November 
09:30 - 14:00

Conrad Centennial Hotel Singapore

Pavilion Room, Level 4





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Registration Closed

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Why DLF?

Conrad Image


Learn and network in a beautiful location 

Join us for a morning of learning and networking in the opulent atmosphere of the Conrad Centennial Hotel.  A luxury five star hotel set in the marina bay area of Singapore. 

Expert Talks From Thought Leaders

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Ilkka Turunen

Field CTO

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Tran Tuan Anh

Head of Technology Platform


Rifaj Aboobacker

Enterprise Architect

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Picklu Paul

Senior Engineering Leader, Cybersecurity



9:30 - 10:00


Why Attend?

Fortune 2000 Companies

Talks focused on real, complex challenges facing enterprise organisations and the DevSecOps principles and practices deployed to achieve success.


Senior IT Decision Makers

Hear from experienced leaders responsible for creating value through implementing operational improvements. Gain a new perspective on challenges by learning from their pain points - and wins!


Collaboration & Learning

Find out from peers how they have responded to current challenges in the global climate. There is space to ask the speakers questions in order to help your own DevSecOps efforts succeed.