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Nexus Gets a Stop Button

Written by Terry Bernstein | August 25, 2011

We've enhanced the leading repository manager to help you develop better software faster. Nexus 1.9.2, recently released, adds a number of new features.

Stop Running Tasks

You can stop running processes immediately and no longer have to wait for them to complete. This is quite useful for recovering from high load situations. Stopping a running process is easy -- just select the process and click on the cancel button (see Figure 1). You can also delete tasks without waiting for them to finish. Delete will automatically stop the process and then delete it.

Improved Maven 2 Support

You'll get improved support for environments with both Maven 2 and Maven 3 clients. Nexus now suppresses Maven 3 metadata automatically when communicating with Maven 2 clients. This improvement allows you to use such mixed environments successfully.

Enhanced User Information

Sonatype Pro for Nexus customers can better audit who uses each Nexus server with usage information that includes userid and user agent.

Download Nexus Today

So what are you waiting for, download the latest version of Nexus OSS or the professional version from our support site. Learn more about Sonatype Pro for Nexus.