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Developing with Eclipse and Maven

Written by Heather Loney | December 28, 2011

Sonatype books are the essential references for anyone working with Apache Maven, repository management, and integrating Maven with Eclipse.

Learn best practices, central concepts, and complete integration for Maven, Nexus Professional, and m2eclipse. Sonatype books offer the latest content for the software development tools you depend on.

The fourth book in our series of books available for downloading is Developing with Eclipse and Maven.

In this book you will learn how to fully integrate Maven with Eclipse, the world’s most widely used IDE for Java development.

Why Maven?

Maven is a software build tool, but it is much more than that. Maven is also a project management tool. It is designed to be flexible, easy, and intuitive – to be a more efficient and comprehensive build tool.

Why Eclipse?

Eclipse is the most widely used IDE for Java development today. Eclipse has a huge amount of plugins and an innumerable amount of organizations developing their own software on top of it. Quite simply, Eclipse is ubiquitous. The m2eclipse project provides full integration for Maven within the Eclipse IDE.