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Listen to Brian Fox discuss Maven 3 on

Written by Tim OBrien | August 03, 2010

Craig Tataryn of interviewed Brian Fox about the upcoming release of Maven 3. From

"With the Maven 3 betas being out and packing a tonne of cool features we decided that we needed to sit down and talk with someone in the know. Enter Brian Fox, PMC Chair Apache Maven and VP of Engineering at Sonatype (the fellows who make Maven Repositories manageable via their Nexus product)."

This interview touches upon Brian's background in build management and developer infrastructure, and how Brian started to use Maven and became involved in the Apache Maven project. You will also hear Brian discuss the history of Maven, the motivations behind the project, some comparisons between Maven and Ant, and new features planned for the Maven 3 release.

To listen to the full interview, click here.