News and Notes from the Makers of Nexus | Sonatype Blog

In other news

Written by Jason van Zyl | February 03, 2010

Welcome to the roundup of blog posts that mention Nexus, Maven, and other projects that Sonatype developers contribute to.

Simpligility blog: Documenting Android Development with Apache Maven
"Shortly after my first hack day with Android development and the conclusion that I really like where the platform and development is going, I started to look at building Android application outside the Android Developer Toolkit in Eclipse. I started using IntelliJ IDEA for Android development in parallel as well as wanted to investigate command line and later continuous integration builds. It did not take me long to shy away from the Apache Ant based build and look around for a plugin for my trusted Apache Maven that would help me along the cause. I found the maven-android-plugin and quickly joined the effort."
By guru, on February 2, 2010

Dana Singleterry's Weblog: NetBeans to JDeveloper: A SessionEJB Maven Application
"This entry demonstrates taking a NetBeans 6.8 SessionEJB application that uses Maven 2.2.1 and creating a JDeveloper project based on the POM."
By dana.singleterry on February 2, 2010

Java News Brief: Using Maven to manage cross-team code sharing
"In this article we will use Maven to create, build, test, and share Java code. Our setting is within We will start in deptX, which is developing and distributing the Engine project. We will follow the code over to where it is used by deptY for the Car project."
By Enrique Lara, on Feb 2, 2010

Alex Ruiz's Blog: FEST’s JavaFX Maven plugin 1.0a1
"I’m proud to announce the release of FEST-JavaFX-Maven 1.0a1! FEST-JavaFX-Maven is Maven plugin for compiling JavaFX source files. This is a complete rewrite of the plugin, as a Java Mojo."
By Alex Ruiz, on February 1, 2010

JavaLobby: Writing a Nexus Plugin Using m2eclipse
"In this post, I’m going to walk you through the process of creating a new Nexus plugin using the m2eclipse plugin for eclipse from start to finish including all steps in the process. After reading this post you will know about the easiest way to get started working on your own Nexus plugin."
By Damian Bradicich, on Jan 14 2010