Maven: The Definitive Guide has been split into two separate books: Maven by Example and Maven: The Complete Reference. The original book had two parts: an example-driven section and a more "referency" section, and each of these sections is now being developed as a separate book. We did this for a number of reasons, but the most important was the idea that a good book has an ideal number of pages. A good introduction should weigh in at around 250 while a more complete reference might easily exceed 400 pages. With this change, we have more than enough room to grow both books over the coming months.
The following books are Part I and Part II of the old definitive guide:
If you've bookmarked our book, the existing links will continue to work, but they will automatically redirect to the appropriate book.
The Chinese and German translations of the book are still combined into a single, two-part book. As we continue to develop the content these translated titles will also be split into two books. In the meantime, enjoy:
Download the German translation of "Maven: The Definitive Guide" as a PDF.