News and Notes from the Makers of Nexus | Sonatype Blog

In Other News

Written by Tim OBrien | December 09, 2009

Welcome to the weekly roundup of blog posts that mention Nexus, Maven, and other projects that Sonatype developers contribute to.

Adam Bien's Blog: Java EE 6 / EJB 3.1 / JSF 2.0 WAR Modularization With Maven - Concrete Sample
If you are using EJB 2.1 and JSF 2.0. Adam Bien's examples provide a roadmap for using the Maven War plugin and Maven's dependency management to create "modular" web applications .
By Adam Bien, on Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Stackoverflow: Building a Maven project that has mixed Java/Scala source
Even since I stumbled upon the first Lift tutorials, I've been impressed with the work that has been put into the Maven Scala plugin. This question and answer is a snapshot of the Maven community. More and more people are chiming in to help, and we're seeing fewer trolls as the tools and the ecosystem around Maven continue to improve. Note that someone references our (still in development Maven Handbook) in this answer.
On Stackoverflow

We certainly keep an eye on Maven-related questions on Stackoverflow, and we've been noticing an increase in m2eclipse questions. Here are more questions from Stackoverflow...

If you use Maven, please consider taking some time to help us answer questions on Stackoverflow. Bookmark this search for the newest Maven-related questions.