Welcome to the first weekly roundup of blog posts and tweets mentioning Nexus, Maven, and other projects that Sonatype developers contribute to.
The importance of Central
"One of the selling points of maven is it's dependency mechanism. You say what code you need, and maven makes sure it's there for you. The magic behind this is called central. It's a phenomenal collection of software (much akin to Perl's CPAN)."
August 23rd, 2009 by Dominic Mitchell
Importing Flexmojos Projects to IntelliJ IDEA 8.1.3 "IntelliJ IDEA 8.1.3 includes initial support for importing Flex projects that are set up using Flexmojos Maven plugin."
August 17th, 2009 by AlexanderD
Nexus vs. Artifactory
"There are multiple reasons for us to use a repository manager:
June 16th, 2009 by Stefan Reuter
indiwiz: Maven Profiles: Thanks to Arun Jeganath for making me understand Maven Profiles. Often we are forced to specify .. http://snipurl.com/rip78
Tuesday, September 1st at 12:22:37
Kenyth: maven 3.x Artifact resolution and repository discovery http://twitzap.com/u/eX8
Tuesday, September 1st at 10:17:25
akquinet: @clementplop iPOJO 1.4.0 is now available from Apache Felix downloads, Felix OBR and Maven repository. http://bit.ly/1GxamD #iPOJO #OSGi
Tuesday, September 1st at 07:49:40
joonaslehtinen: The 6.0.x Vaadin releases and a sample archetype are now in the central Maven repositories (or being replicated to them).
Tuesday, September 1st at 06:14:45
ealliaume: Maven:The Definitive Guide http://tr.im/xBRX Traduction du chapite 6 terminée...
Tuesday, September 1st at 04:55:42
stuartsierra: Cool, Maven Definitive Guide is free- http://bit.ly/Erixp
Tuesday, September 1st at 02:58:12
rawyler: Trying to configure a small #Scala project with #Maven and #Hudson. Pretty cool stuff.
Monday, August 31st at 15:18:07
GabrielCorpse: Demystifying #maven http://bit.ly/4vZtHF
Sunday, August 30th at 17:09:59
paulosuzart: Google App Engine using #maven http://www.salientpoint.com/blog/?p=480 but how to debug? jejejej :)
Sunday, August 30th at 02:13:20
gabrielflores: aqui: #Maven #Flex Plugin http://icio.us/fhxvxt
Saturday, August 29th at 21:06:08
gabrielflores: interesante #Maven #Flex #Plugin http://icio.us/ewuf0d
Saturday, August 29th at 21:05:19
gabrielflores: LEYENDO ON LINE #Maven: The Definitive Guide http://icio.us/i3p3nr
Saturday, August 29th at 20:48:06
GabrielCorpse: Maven archetypes for web applications http://www.webtide.com/resources/maven.jsp #maven
Saturday, August 29th at 16:32:11
kyleburton: #maven is actually pretty nice for building our #clojure app...need to write up another blog post
Friday, August 28th at 18:41:58
matthewmccull: Submitting a patch to #Maven SCM-495 to add password encryption to SCM providers (my tribulations): http://tr.im/xmhn
Friday, August 28th at 16:42:31
vhle: My new favourite phrase that brings me joy every time I see it: "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" #maven
Friday, August 28th at 01:34:05
wichit_sombat: mirror maven2 repositories on ubuntu server: sonatype nexus works!! http://bit.ly/leeRK
Tuesday, August 25th at 18:33:39
ehsavoie: Maven Reporting Plug-ins, Part 1: Static Analysis Tools http://tinyurl.com/lew4kg #maven
Tuesday, August 25th at 13:21:04
jlrigau: Sonatype Nexus Maven Repository Manager http://bit.ly/tS6hL
Tuesday, August 25th at 08:54:37
glen_a_smith: Just released a new version of opencsv using Sonatype's infrastructure. http://is.gd/2x1Tc From Nexus to maven central in <10 minutes! Wow!
Tuesday, August 25th at 00:21:37
rantav: I've just installed Nexus the maven repository and had a wonderful experience. http://nexus.sonatype.org/ Looks like a kickass product
Monday, Aug 24th at 14:49:00
happygiraffe: The importance of central: http://bit.ly/3Wmlib #maven
Sunday, August 23rd at 22:36:00
mosabua: @tobrien Agreed. The Debian testing package is a bit more up to date. What I do though is http://tinyurl.com/lqp32g #maven #ubuntu #nexus
Saturday, August 22nd at 16:10:29