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Book Update to Version 0.19

Written by Tim OBrien | November 07, 2008

Once again, this is a small update to the book, but I want to err on the side of transparency. I'm announcing every version update even if it is small. I just cut a 0.19 version release, this captures some small changes to the book content driven by the reports from our users on GetSatisfaction. This update contains a number of changes triggered by Paco SoberĂ³n and "Fred". Here is a list of updates for the 0.19 release:

  1. Removed the references to the Geronimo implementations of servlet-api and jsp-api. There was once a time when this was very relevant. Sun wasn't distributing the servlet-api JARs from central and Geronimo was the only implementation in the repository. Ever since the Glassfish team started publishing the javax.servlet:servlet-api JAR there is no longer a need to tell new users to substitute the Geronimo JARs for the Servlet and JSP spec JARs. I've kept the appendix which lists alternatives, but I don't think it makes sense (especially for beginners) to spend value intro time talking about the Geronimo implementations.
  2. I added a section at the end of Chapter 4 which shows you how to configure the assembly:attached goal using the executions elememtn in your plugin config. String goal names along on the command-line is an acceptable way to run a plugin goal, but it ignore a critical part of Maven 2. I've had many users ask me questions that suggest that they don't know how to bind a goal to a phase in a POM. I think that the executions element is important to introduce earlier in the book. In general, I'm seeing that many users haven't grok'd the Maven Lifecycle. This is my fault, and we're going to emphasize more Lifecycle explanation both on this blog and in future versions of the book.
  3. In Chapter 6, I had some inconsistent references to the groupId. I forgot to modify references to the com.sonatype.maven groupId to org.sonatype.mavenbook.ch06 - apologies for the oversight.

PS: Anders Hammar: I see those reports. Thanks for commenting on them. Commenting on an issue that you think has fallen to the bottom of the stack puts it on the top.