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MavenBook: Discuss, Suggest, and Report Errors Using Get Satisfaction

Written by Tim OBrien | June 04, 2008

We've had great reaction to this book from all over the world, and we've had a lot of people step forward with some great ideas and suggestions. To help channel this energy, we've created a Product page on Get Satisfaction for you to send us feedback, report problems, and ask us questions. This is one step toward the ultimate vision of the book as a foundation for the user community.

Submit Ideas, Start Discussions, Provide Feedback

If you find a typo, let us know. If you want to let us know about your idea for a new 3D virtual reading interface... let us know. Whereever you see the icon in the HTML version of the book, you can provide feedback by clicking on this link. Clicking this link will take you to the product page for the book at Get Satisfaction. Once you are on the product page, you'll see a field for you to type in a question. You can ask a question or click on "share an idea", "report a problem", or "start a discussion".

You'll notice that the HTML version of the book has a link to Get Satisfaction in the header and footer of every page, and that every section has a link to Get Satisfaction. We're seriously serious about listening to your feedback.

Why Get Satisfaction?

I decided to add Get Satisfaction because of the flood of good ideas that were showing up in our inbox. Everything from product suggestions, to ideas, to reports of typos and errors. Instead of working through this backlog alone, I want to give the community a hand in help discuss and brainstorm ideas for new content. While you can still email us your feedback at, you should also feel free to just give us feedback of ask questions at Get Satisfaction.

Book Comments

We're currently looking at some technologies that would provide for in situ comments in a way that doesn't distract from the original content. The Holovaty Django Book has an interesting solution, but we're also wondering if there is a way to integrate technologies like Disqus or even Get Satisfaction itself. What we need is a way to associate a comment, question, problem, or idea with a specific identifer, and then we need a way to query our issues with that identifier. It would also be great if users could provide feedback or ask questions without having to navigate away from the book. We'll be looking at ways in the coming months to enable you (the reader) to particpate.

PS: Hani.

Even you will be convinced.