mercury-ant-tasks is an Ant wrapper for Mercury functionality, that provides a lot of Mercury functionality inside ant scripts.
Please check this posting first. It contains the latest information on the subject.
What exactly is provided:
- Configuration
- named authentication elements to be used by repository or proxy authentication
- supports both name/password or certificate pointer (file or URL) plus optional password
- named repository configurations
- local repositories (not limited to one)
- remote repositories
- stream verification per repository - separate for reading and writing
- currently supported SHA-1 and PGP (.asc)
- named dependency sets
- lists dependencies and optionally - their Maven scopes
- standardized on a one-string naming convention
- supports OSGi-syntax version ranges
- ant path creation/alteration
- a task that either creates a new ant path or adds to existing one
- optionally allows to specify Maven-like scope for the path resolution
- repository writes
- allows to write named files into repositories
- optional classifiers, types
- signature generation is configured per repository
Where to get mercury-ant-tasks?
All the development releases will be deployed to this site; grab the latest snapshot and:
- put it into ${user.home}/.ant/lib
- if you plan to use PGP signatures - also put there bcpg-jdk15-140.jar and bcprov-jdk15-140.jar from this central repository location
- if interested - my test build.xml contains all the unit test scripts
mercury-ant-tasks howto-by-example
This snippet shows how to define mercury namespace in the ant project markup
<project name="mercury-ant-test" default="compile"
xmlns:merc="antlib:org.apache.maven.mercury.ant.tasks" > ... </project>
This snippet shows how to define two repositories - one remote, one local. You don't have to always define a local repository, but in this case binaries would reside in temp. location and will be reloaded from the remote on each invocation of the merc:resolve task
<merc:config id="conf">
<merc:repo id="localRepo" dir="/maven.repo"/>
<merc:repo id="central" url=""/>
This snippet shows how to define authenticated repository and hide the password in the external file, so that each OS user can have their own credentials
<property file="~/.secret/"/>
<merc:config id="conf">
<merc:auth id="repo-auth" name="${repo.user}" pass="${repo.pass}"/>
<merc:repo id="localRepo" dir="/maven.repo"/>
<merc:repo id="central" url=""
This snippet shows how to configure a repository for PGP signature generation and checking; here secret keyring password is also kept in external file. Key ID always is a 16-digit hex number - use GnuPG GUI to look it up (and also generate/manipulate your keys). The verifier will accept any key from pubring.gpg for the signature
<property file="~/.secret/"/>
<merc:config id="conf">
<merc:auth id="repo-auth" name="${repo.user}" pass="${repo.pass}"/>
<merc:repo id="localRepo" dir="/maven.repo"/>
<merc:repo id="central" url=""
<merc:verifywrite type="pgp">
<property name="keyring" value="/home/me/pgp/secring.gpg"/>
<property name="pass" value="${secret.keyring.pass}"/>
<property name="key" value="0EDB5D91141BC4F2"/>
<merc:verifyread type="pgp">
<property name="keyring" value="/home/me/pgp/pubring.gpg"/>
This snippet shows how to define authenticated repository and hide the password in the external file, so that each OS user can have their own credentials
<property file="~/.secret/"/>
<merc:config id="conf">
<merc:auth id="repo-auth" name="${repo.user}" pass="${repo.pass}"/>
<merc:repo id="localRepo" dir="/maven.repo"/>
<merc:repo id="central" url=""
This snippet shows how to define a dependency set. Junit will only be added to paths that define scope="test"
<merc:dep id="my-libs">
<merc:dependency name="asm:asm:[2.0,3.0)"/>
<merc:dependency name="junit:junit:[4.0.1,):::test"/>
This snippet shows how to resolve a dependency set and add the resulting binaries to "compile-path" path. This path will not include JUnit from previous snippet
<merc:resolve pathid="compile-path" depid="my-libs" configid="conf" />
<javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${target}" classpathref="compile-path" />
This snippet shows how to resolve a dependency set in test scope and add the resulting binaries to "test-compile-path" path. This path will have JUnit
<merc:resolve pathid="test-compile-path"
This snippet shows how to write a jar file and it's sources to a repository
<merc:write repoid="remoteRepo"
<merc:write repoid="remoteRepo"
mercury-ant-tasks reference
Now, let's have a closer look at ant mercury markup. To make it available to ant, provide a namespace definition on the project level, for example:<project name="test" default="compile" xmlns:merc="antlib:org.apache.maven.mercury.ant.tasks">
Everywhere here I mention named - named configuration, named set. It means named in ant sense: something that has an id attribute value, and then we can reference that particular object (configuration, set, etc) by this value.
Tag | Attribute (required) |
Description | |
merk:config | defines a named configuration, for now it's just a set of named repositories and authentications | ||
id | the name of this configuration | ||
merc:auth | defines a named authentication | ||
id | name of this authentication | ||
user | user name to use in this authentication | ||
certfile | a pointer to certificate file or URL. Can take a form of just a file pointer, or URL: file:///home/me/certificate. Or regular URL Note: currently SSL client does not support client certificates | ||
pass | password to use with either user or certificate | ||
merc:repo | defines a named repository that may contain dependencies. It can only reside inside merc:config element | ||
id | defines a unique id for this repository. Use consistent IDs as the are used by cache to speed up access to repository metadata | ||
type | repository type, used internally to find repository implementation. Default is M2 repository implementations from Mercury (default: "m2") | ||
dir | defines a local repository. Point to the root of the local repository directory | ||
url | defines a remote repository and contains it's URL | ||
authid | contains a reference to the merc:auth element that defines how to access authenticated repository | ||
proxyauthid | contains a reference to the merc:auth element that defines how to access authenticated proxy for a repository | ||
readable | boolean, defines this repository as suitable for reading from it | ||
writeable | boolean, defines this repository as suitable for writing to it | ||
merc:verifyread | defines a read verification configuration.It can only reside inside merc:repo element | ||
type | define the verification algo to use. Supported today are pgp and sha1 | ||
lenient | boolean, if set to true - verification failure does not stop the repository operation (default: true) | ||
sufficient | boolean, if set to true and there are multiple verificators - success of this verification stops all others (default: false) | ||
merc:verifyread | defines a read verification configuration.It can only reside inside merc:repo element | ||
type | define the verification algo to use. Supported today are pgp and sha1 | ||
lenient | boolean, if set to true - verification failure does not stop the repository operation (default: true) | ||
sufficient | boolean, if set to true and there are multiple verificators - success of this verification stops all others (default: false) | ||
merc:deps | defines a named set of dependencies | ||
id | the name of this set | ||
merc:dependency | a path element query, that could be resolved by merc:resolve task | ||
name | a query in the format groupId:artifactId:versionRange:classifier:type:scope, required are only the first 3 fields, the rest can be omitted. Examples: ant:ant:1.7.0 - search for this dependency, ant:ant:[1.7.0,) - search for any version, greater or eq. to 1.7.0, ant:ant:[1.7.0,)::test - search for these version and resolve them in the test scope (see merc:resolve), ant:ant:[1.7.0,1.7.1] - search for ant versions between 1.7.0 and 1.7.1 inclusive, my.apps:app:1.1::zip - find and store locally | ||
merc:resolve | ant path manipulation: create new path or append to the existing path | ||
depid | id of the dependency set that should be resolved and added to the path | ||
configid | id of the configuration to be used by this resolution | ||
pathid | id of the newly created path. This path should not have been previously defined | ||
refpathid | id of the existing path. This path should already exist | ||
scope | scope, for which this path should be resolved. (default: compile) | ||
merc:write | this task writes a file to the specified repository under specified name | ||
repoid | id of the repository to write this file into | ||
name | repository name of the atrifact to write to the repository (see dependency name desc., exclude ranges) | ||
pom | pom file to use instead of the name attribute | ||
file | file to be written to the repository |